Today I read the 6th Chapter of Sex God entitled Worth Dying For. It was on submission, a topic that is only talked about in the church. Common themes that I have heard many times before began to emerge with a splash of new insight. For example, a husband and wife should have a mutual submission toward each other as Ephesians 5 teachers. The quote that made me stop to think was…
“So the husband is commanded to lay down his life for his wife, and the wife is commanded to submit to her husband, but they’re both commanded to submit to each other because everyone is commanded to submit to everyone else, and all of this is out of “reverence for Christ.”
Submission and marriage are often subjects that people get uptight about. It shouldn’t be. Christians should submit to others (Ephesians 4:21), not just their spouse. I know why people get uptight about the subject. It’s a power issue. Submission is giving up power. We live in an upside down Kingdom where giving up power is a part of citizenship. You could argue but you’ll only damage yourself.
But the section that causes the most spiritual commotion tapped into my paternal nature…young girls and their perceived scenes of lack of worth. This always touches a nerve within me. So few girls know how valuable they are and so few guys have anything clue how to love them with an ounce of Christ’s love. Some quotes that come to mind…
“Do you realize you are worth dying for? You don’t need to give yourself away to someone who won’t give himself to you.”
“Sex becomes a search. A search of something they’re missing. A quest for the unconditional embrace. And so they go from relationship to relationship, looking for what they already have.”
“You don’t need a man by your side to validate you as a woman. You already are loved and valued. You’re good enough exactly as you are….You have limitless worth and value.”
As a youth minister I know few girls will actually embrace my words when I teach. Worth is not taught. Worth has to be shown. In an age where verbal complements and innocent touches can easily be interpreted with sexual overtones…it’s difficult to show girls how much they are loved.
When you think about all the girls that live in my safe little community, how many actually know they are of great value and worth? 5% maybe? I mean, maybe 5% will actually hold out for the right guy and present themselves with dignity and honor?
Call me young and idealistic but I think the church of Jesus Christ shouldn’t be having it’s butt kick in the area of honoring and respecting young woman. On the other hand, the perverted nature of my male driven urges knows exactly why we are losing the battle. Maybe this is why so few men will actually say anything to the woman they love the most. We are hypocrites.