I’ve been in and out of four books for the last month. Don’t ask me why. I guess I’m a A.D.D. reader. But I finally finished Sex God by Rob Bell. Though it took me a while to get through it, my delay had nothing to do with the quality of the book. This was a great book and a must read for Biblical teachers to youth, youth adults, and marriage counselors.
The book talks more about sexuality rather that sex which is a limited part of sexuality. I’ve already blogged an idea or two from one chapters but the over-all book is about seeing God in our sexuality. Some ideas that come to mind
• “This is actually That”…Sex is often about something else.
• Marriage is a picture of God’s relationship to us and…
• Like the young boy that risks the rejection from a young girl, God runs the risks of us rejecting him.
Like most of Bell’s writing, I am inspired to learn more about the Jewish hermeneutic of scripture instead of the Christian. I contacted “Doc” Reece, a former college professor of mine with a book recommendation for the Song of Songs. He recommended a book that will likely stretch me and the NIV’s translation. I look forward to see what it has to say.