Monday, April 13, 2009

Connexion Christian Ministries

I hate the phrase “church shopping” because it sounds so consumeristic. Like it or not, corporate America and North American Christianity have more in common than I care for but that’s not the purpose of this blog. Since June of ’08, church shopping is exactly what my family and I have been doing.

I started close-to-home by hitting most worship services in Francesville. I went to at least one church in the towns north, south, east, and west of us. Every church was extremely friendly and hospitable; however, we simply sensed our search needed to extend beyond Francesville and surrounding towns. We ventured to Monticello, a 25 mile drive, where I visited two churches on more than one occasion. Both places showed promise but the family vibe told me to keep looking. Besides, the thing I liked most about attending a church in Monticello was making our weekly trip to Wal-Mart on our way home from church. (No one is at Wal-Mart around 10:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning.) Not a very good reason to attend church there.

Now from time to time I jump on Johnson Bible College’s web site to see the job postings for area churches. I first hit the youth ministry positions, then the associates, then the preaching (not that I am all that interested in such a position) and finally the music ministries. There I saw a brand new church plant in Lafayette looking for a part time worship leader. I went on their website where I found enough information to know this place could be a place I would to like to be (either on a volunteer basis or part-time staff.) Lafayette, however, is 40 miles away from my home. That’s 80 miles round trip just to attend church! I really didn’t like that idea but I drive that twice a week to attend school…why not make one more trip to attend church. So I sent a resume and a few emails.

Nothing really happened until I showed up to a worship service. That Sunday happened to be their Grand Opening into their newly remodeled downtown rental space which was once an Italian eatery. Two weeks later I was asked to play along with the worship band. Two weeks after that I was asked if I would like to officially start a partnership with the church as their worship leader. I gladly agreed.

The church is called Connexion Christian Ministries. Go HERE if you would like to learn more. I’ll be writing more about this unique church in upcoming entries.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Graphic Image CINS 2530

This post is for my fellow students in my Graphic Image class who want to find the tutorial and brushes for my class presentation. Click HERE if interested.