I just finished his book Communicating For a Change. Stanley basically questions what most homiletic professors teach and what most modern preachers preach…the three points, informational based sermon. It’s not that these sermons are altogether useless. But Stanley simply states that there is a better way to communicate God’s Word.
Here is something that I learned…the Relational Outline.
The out line I was taught was an outline for information. Ideas are organized to help the teacher to impart information. Stanly developes his teaching with the belief that multiple ideas (or points) make communication less effective. Teaching one points makes it easier for the listener to understand and apply. Therefore, Stanley takes his one ideas and develops it in a relational outline. It basically looks like Me – We – God – You – We.
Me - To help find a common ground with the audience, I introduces myself and the one idea as it pertains to a struggle in my own life. (Orientation of the tension)
We – The struggle in my life is not limited to me but is shared by us all. The one idea pertains to us all. (Identification of the tension)
God – God has an answer to our dilemma and this is what the Bible has to say about it. (Illumination of the tension)
You – Because the Bible has an answers, here is how you can do something about it. (Application of the tension)
We – What would happen if we allowed this one idea to change our life? (Inspiration from the tension)
Great book for church communicators.