Another round of the Indiana Christian Youth Convention has come and gone and I am proud that the student ministry of the First Christ Church participated in this event. A total of fifteen from the church, eleven students and four adults, went to Anderson, IN to join another thousand students for a weekend of worship, teaching, and being connected with each other. Attendees from this convention came from all corners of our state. (I think I even saw some church vans from Kentucky & Ohio.) The convention talent came from all over the country: Texas, Missouri, and California. This event was well organized and a worthy investment of time and resources to have our students involved.
I am sure that the congregation of FCC would like to know that one of it’s own, Charlie Ketchen, played a key role in this year convention. Charlie warmed the crowded up for each main session by providing a comedic element to the program. Despite his very alarming/disturbing cut off blue jean shorts and the “I’m a redneck from Francesville” reference (sarcasm should have been implied while reading the previous statement and if you didn’t, visit to see the pictures…you’ll understand then), FCC should be proud of its young “Timothy”. He did a great job.
As always, I am very grateful for the support of the FCC to make is event avable to our students First and foremost, I am thankful to the adults that sacrificed their weekend to be with us: Rae Boehning, Tina Davis, and Jake Schlatter. I couldn’t have asked for a better group. Likewise, I am thankful to all the contributors of the church’s youth fund. Your finical contribution helped pay for some of our sponsor’s expenses, lodging, and a round of pizza for us to enjoy as we relaxed at the hotel for a few hours before we went to another session. Your contributions are an important part of our youth ministry to which I am very grateful. Have a great Thanksgiving.
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