Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Christianity Worth Believing

I just finished Doug Pagitt’s latest book A Christianity Worth Believing. But before I say anything about it, let me share a portion of what Marko had to say (read the whole book review HERE):

“let’s be straight about this: “a christianity worth believing” is going to royally piss some people off. doug will get more speaking engagements in some quarters, and a whole lot less in others. the people who already don’t like doug will be well-armed to write him off or write against him as “the coming apostacy” or speak against him at ministry events of various kinds. this will especially be true of the nu-reformed crew. while doug’s book is surprisingly winsome in tone (especially for a guy who openly explains in the beginning of the book that he is a natural contrarian), chapter after chapter attempt to pull the rug out from under stack of building blocks foundational reformies play on. dude, seriously: you’re not just poking at their blocks; you’re yanking the rug. they don’t like that.”

I like Doug. I liked his book. But if you are comfortable with your theology (your understanding of God and church practices), I would advise you to stay away. Reread a book of Rick Warren’s. But if you have the foggiest sense of the Kingdom changes that are taking place in Christian think-tanks, then I would recommend reading this theological book. There was little content that I disagreed with. There was some content that I’m unsure of. I need to give it another glance but over all it was good book.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sitting in our hotel room watching the Celtics kill the Lakers. today we went to Marthas Vineyard. the M V was a beautiful place. an amazing beach, beautiful homes, and an impressive community. we did however see a few unattractive Nude sun bathers but luckly em was not around. having a great time. Boston just won the NBA Title. em and i are going to go riot with the locals.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Good first day in Boston. We went to Fenway, to Cheers for lunch, went up in a skyscraper to see the city sky line, walked around downtown, and went to an impressive super market in the midle of town.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

To Boston

Today we leave to Boston for our first family vacation. None of us has ever been to Boston before. I'm looking forward to going some where new. We'll have many pictures and videos to show when be get back next week. So stay tuned.

Jack Johnson

For an early birthday present, my awesome wife and stepdaughter took me to the Jack Johnson concert. was calling for 75% chance of strong storms but we made the long trip to Verizon Wireless in Indy anyway. The ground was a little wet (we had lawn tickets) but the rains held up. It was a perfect summer night for a great show. Thanks Rae & Em for a great b-day present! (Give me a few weeks and I will posting some youtube clips of the show.)I had an interesting conversion with a friendly guy from Ohio that made me think how Jesus would have reacted. The conversion went like…

Ohio: “You a big Jack fan?”

Me: “I wouldn’t say big but I enjoy his music.”

Ohio: “Right on. Hey do you smoke?” (He said “smoke” is such a way that smoke could have referred to somethng other than tobacco.)

Me: “Not really.”

Ohio: “Do you mind if we do?”

Me: “I don’t mind.”

Ohio: “Cool, because I didn’t want to be rude.” (At least he was polite.)

Later on in the concert his party smoked a little tobacco and a little some’n else.

Now here’s my thought, how would Jesus respond such a request? Leave a comment on how you think Jesus would have responded? (And let’s not include, “Jesus wouldn’t be at a Jack Johnson concert!” for I have little doubt that he would have gone.)

Friday, June 13, 2008

So I Hear...

Looking over the past two years of my youth ministry efforts, I regret not throwing Jeremy Glassford more responsibility. He and his wife Jamie where very faithful youth leaders. They attended nearly every youth meeting. When we had a leader's meeting, they were there. When I had a special favor to ask they took it gladly with no hesitation. I always felt Jeremy was very supportive. In the final days of my ministry I found myself telling Jeremy final details that may be of help to the future of the youth ministry. Looking back, I should have used Jeremy and Jamie more than I did. They had much more to offer and I unfortunately did not see it.

Despite my “mis-read” to maximize Jeremy’s gifts it appears that God has chosen to put him to work. By word of mouth, I have learned that the new associate/youth minister of FCC is none other than Jeremy. Leaving (what I assume was) a good job, with three kids at home, and a mortgage, Jeremy’s decision to begin this new phase of ministry required much faith. I find this leap very impressive. I have no doubt that Jeremy will succeed. I wish him the best of luck and gladly welcome him into the brotherhood of youth ministry.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Sungha Jung

This kid is amazing. He has alot of stuff on Youtube. Check him out.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Meet Reggie McNeal

During my blog reading (click HERE to read) I came across a video that I would like to pass along. Reggie McNeal addressed a crowd of Reformed church leaders talking about a change taking place in the Kingdom. This was my first introducing to McNeal. It seems he's associated with Fuller Theological Seminary. I doubt if he would consider himself an emerging Christian but he spoke of a missional faith, a faith that is growing in so many. The video is 45 min. long but worth it. Leave a comment and tell me something that you found meaningful.

Let me share one meaningful nugget. McNeal suggested that the first church was slim ply following where the Spirit had been. There was no way the first Jewish Christians could have though God was interested in the Gentiles. In a way, they were playing catch up always lagging a few paces behind. As I think about this in today's context, the church, no matter how hip or organized it might be, will always be playing catch up to where the Spirit has been. Some churches are on the Spirits heals but many of much futhrer behind. But is the church's job, however, to keep after where God is going.

Wedding Slide Show

I finally got around to make a slide show of our wedding. The song is Set Me As A Seal from artist Matt Maher. The lrycs are taken from the Song of Songs (in your Bible).

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Personal Update

Last Wednesday I injured my ankle so badly that I went to the ER to get it check out. I’m not the type that seeks medical help unless something is really wrong. They took an x-ray. It came up negative so I was told me to go my family doctor in five days to have it checked out after the swelling went down. I went to the Dr. yesterday. He seemed to think it is healing fine.

Today I went down to IVY Tech. I had a few questions to ask the department head of business then I enrolled for four fall classes: a math class, two computer classes, and a business class. I’m looking forward to my business course because this is an area I have never explored. Classes will start at 8:00 a.m. every Tues. and Thurs. With a round trip of 90 miles just to make it to class and back, I’m glad to make the drive just twice a week. Feel free to send random gift cards this fall to fuel my education.

Summer employment is still up in the air. I would appreciate your prayers.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

"The New Christians" Road Trip with Trucker Frank 6

Here is the last webisodes with Trucker Frank. I've enjoyed this series very much and I hate to see it come to and end. If you would like to watch the rest of these webisodes the search this blog (for I just made them live) or go HERE for the first installment. Be forwarned, some will find some of this offensive but Jesus was offensive so I'm in good company.

It's Finished

For years I have lugged a massive set of keys in my pockets ever where I have gone. Today I officially cut that weight in half. Just a few moments ago I set my church related keys in the office. My office is cleaned out. My responsibilities to the FCC are over. It is finished. My emotions are mixed. I’m excited to start a new future however there is a touch of sadness. I enjoyed youth ministry and I will dearly miss it.