Ohio: “You a big Jack fan?”
Me: “I wouldn’t say big but I enjoy his music.”
Ohio: “Right on. Hey do you smoke?” (He said “smoke” is such a way that smoke could have referred to somethng other than tobacco.)
Me: “Not really.”
Ohio: “Do you mind if we do?”
Me: “I don’t mind.”
Ohio: “Cool, because I didn’t want to be rude.” (At least he was polite.)
Later on in the concert his party smoked a little tobacco and a little some’n else.
Now here’s my thought, how would Jesus respond such a request? Leave a comment on how you think Jesus would have responded? (And let’s not include, “Jesus wouldn’t be at a Jack Johnson concert!” for I have little doubt that he would have gone.)
i think the big JC would be a huge Jack Johnson fan :)
right on emily
i think that "the big JC" would have told them about himself and how even though they might of already sinned that they can still be baptised and be forgivin of their sins
Acts 8:22
Repent of this and pray to the Lord he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart
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