Monday, June 23, 2008

A Christianity Worth Believing

I just finished Doug Pagitt’s latest book A Christianity Worth Believing. But before I say anything about it, let me share a portion of what Marko had to say (read the whole book review HERE):

“let’s be straight about this: “a christianity worth believing” is going to royally piss some people off. doug will get more speaking engagements in some quarters, and a whole lot less in others. the people who already don’t like doug will be well-armed to write him off or write against him as “the coming apostacy” or speak against him at ministry events of various kinds. this will especially be true of the nu-reformed crew. while doug’s book is surprisingly winsome in tone (especially for a guy who openly explains in the beginning of the book that he is a natural contrarian), chapter after chapter attempt to pull the rug out from under stack of building blocks foundational reformies play on. dude, seriously: you’re not just poking at their blocks; you’re yanking the rug. they don’t like that.”

I like Doug. I liked his book. But if you are comfortable with your theology (your understanding of God and church practices), I would advise you to stay away. Reread a book of Rick Warren’s. But if you have the foggiest sense of the Kingdom changes that are taking place in Christian think-tanks, then I would recommend reading this theological book. There was little content that I disagreed with. There was some content that I’m unsure of. I need to give it another glance but over all it was good book.