What a week! Two major things have happened that will change the course of my life forever. One of these events, which I consider to be secondary in comparison, will be announced sometime in the future. The BIG news, however, can finally be announced.
After three years of dating Rae Boehning, we have agreed that now is the time to officially start our lives together. Words can not express how thankful and unworthy I feel that this wonderful woman would settle on a chump like me. But I have either fooled her or won her heart over because she will soon be my bride.
The wedding date will be April 26 at my home church of Fleming Garden Christian in Indianapolis. My father will conduct the ceremony. It is my heart’s desire to have a large wedding where all of my wonderful family and great friends could share in this special day. But after looking at our future plans (a step-daughter soon going to college, one of us continuing our education, and perhaps adoption) we realized the best thing to do was to invest in our long term plans and forego a large wedding (which would have been a whole lot of fun). So I hope that my friends and family who read this will understand why we have chosen to have a very small wedding with only our immediate families present.
Here are just a few details about our wedding. First, my sister is flying in from freaking Seattle, WA to attend. I did not expect her to come on such short notice but she has booked a flight and I am very humbled by her great sacrifice to be here. Second, both Rae and I are wearing denim in our wedding. Rae is wearing a blue jean jacket over a white skirt and I am wearing a pair of blue jeans pants with a sports jacket and a tie. Believe or not, I spent more money on my apparel than she did on hers. How do you like that?
congrats chad
How is exciting!! I am so happy for you. As a member of your family I understand. Just concentrate on the two of you and don't worry about anyone else. It is your day. Will you have any kind of reception or party? Adoption? Awesome. I wish you the best of luck and we will keep you in our prayers.
I am so happy for you! I wish you a beautiful day! I think the blue jean thing is fantastic. Don't worry about missing out on a big wedding. If I had it to do over I would just run off- being with the one you love is the important thing-
Best Wishes- Beth
what a deal. I'm happy for both of you. I wish you the best that life can offer. Mike Tiede
Thats awesome man. Congrats!!!
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